Description of Trojan Anti-Spyware.exe
This malware adds a task in your system to run it periodicly. This malware uses some self-protected technique to protect itself from being deleted, most security programs can only detect it but can not remove it because it will regenerate itself at next reboot. Once it is active, it will download other malware, hijack internet explorer, monitor your internet activities and send encrypted data to remote computer.
Objects of Trojan Anti-Spyware.exe
C:\Program Files\Anti-Spyware\Anti-Spyware.exe
C:\Windows\Tasks\Anti-spyware Scheduled Scan.job
C:\Program Files\Anti-Spyware
How to remove Trojan Anti-Spyware.exe with Adware Away
Adware Away can completely remove Trojan Anti-Spyware.exe and all other malware downloaded by this malware. Just follow the steps below:
- 1. Launch Adware Away
- 2. Click "Start Scan" button and wait for the scan completes
- 3. Click "Fix Selected" button in the scan result window
- 4. Reboot your computer if Adware Away prompts to reboot.
Adware Away scan result for Trojan Anti-Spyware.exe (Note: result may be different between different variants)
About Adware Away and Customizing Removal Service
Adware Away is the only product that doesn't provide free trial vesion in anti-malware industry. We have 100% confidence to remove any malware with Adware Away and its customizing removal service. The download link is to download a scan-only version, you are required to purchase it before using it to remove the malware it finds.
Customizing removal to remove any new variant of Trojan Anti-Spyware.exe
If the above automatical method doesn't work, you can request a customizing removal service to let us help you remove this new variant manually, just follow the steps below:
- 1. Launch Adware Away.
- 2. Click "Customizing Removal" tab.
- 3. Click "Diagnostic Scan" button and wait for the scan completes.
- 4. Send us the scan log file.
- 5. Our technical support will analyze your log file and send you back a removal guide file
- 6. When you receive the removal guide file, just drag and drop it into Adware Away window, the removal to the new variant will be done.